Monday 24 December 2007

MATTHEW 7: 1- 6 c/o Miriam Jacob

MATTHEW 7: 1- 6

This is one of the most important verses concerning our relationships with other people. Too often we feel tempted to judge others for their actions. A critical spirit usually governs our thoughts, and it is often all-too-easy to condemn others, based on how we perceive their actions and deeds.

God reminds us that we will not be judged, only if we show mercy to others by not judging them. For we will be treated exactly as we treat others. The standard we use to judge others is the very one by which we ourselves will be judged. The measure we use is the measure we get. We reap what we sow.

We often have a tendency to see the tiniest faults in others, while ignoring glaring flaws in ourselves. As the Bible says, we worry about a tiny speck in our friend's eye, while ignoring the log in our own eyes.

(c) Miriam Jacob

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