Tuesday 25 December 2007

Luke 1:37-38 By Bob Gass 1 Tuesday, 25th December 2007 c/o The Vine

1 Tuesday, 25th December 2007
By Bob Gass

Mary said… let it be to me according to Your Word.
Luke 1:37-38
When God told Mary she was going to give birth to the Christ-child, she asked how it could be possible. Perhaps God's been telling you things He wants to do through you, but you're looking at your own limitations and asking, "How will this be?" (Luke 1:34 NIV). You're telling God, "I don't have the training, the experience, the skill, or the connections. And I certainly don't have the strength to accomplish it alone."

Like Mary, you're thinking only in the natural, that you must have mans' help to do it. If you've been wondering how God will make things come to pass in your life, remember, He will accomplish the task. No man will get the credit for your deliverance. He told Mary, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you" (Luke 1:35 NIV). The Holy Spirit can impregnate you with a vision, inspire you with creative ideas, introduce you to the right people, and empower you to do the job. God had a special plan for Mary; and He has one for you too. You aren't privileged to see the future. You don't know all that He has in store for you. But He has a plan.

After the angel spoke to Mary, do you know what she said? Let it be to me according to Your Word" (Luke 1:38). Not according to my marital status, or my job, or my finances, or what I deserve. No, "Let it be to me according to Your Word!" Was that easy to do? No, she was taking an extreme risk; to be pregnant and unmarried brought dire consequences in those days. Yet she gave herself willingly to God - and the results were truly miraculous!

Daily Bible Reading:
Isaiah 9:1-7, Luke 2:1-20, Micah 5:2-5

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