Thursday 20 December 2007



VOICES from the Third World is a bi-annual theological journal. Papers prepared for the different Commissions and essayes written by individual EATWOT members form the principal contents of this journal.
EATWOT Newsletter, a quarterly paper to facilitate excahge of information among members and its partners.
Voices From the Third World
December 1989 – Vol. XII No. 2 – A Voice in the Wilderness Kairos
June 1990 – Vol. XIII No. 1 –Towards a Liberating Spirituality
December 1990 – Vol. XIII No. 2 –Mission Challenges and Theological Perspectives of the Nineties
June 1991 – Vol. XIV No. 1 –The Passover to a New Spring
December 1991 – Vol. XIV No. 2 –A Cry for Life – A Spirituality of the Third World
June 1992 – Vol. XV No. 1-Life-Affirming Spirituality–Source of Justice and Righteousness
December 1992– Vol. XV No. 2 – A Rainbow in an Unjust World
June 1993 – Vol. XVI No. 1 –Emerging Concerns of Third World Theology
December 1993 – Vol. XVI No. 2 – Indigenous Spirituality and Culture
June 1994 – Vol. XVII No. 1-Spirituality for Life: Women Struggling Against Violence
December 1994 – Vol. XVII No. 2 – Theology of Dissent: Search for New Alternatives
June 1995 – Vol. XVIII No. 1-First EATWOT Inter-Continental Dialogue: EATWOT Women Theologians on Violence Against Women
December 1995 – Vol. XVIII No. 2 –Second EATWOT Inter-Continental Dialogue: Asian EATWOT Theological Conference IV
June 1996 – Vol. XIX No. 1-Third Inter-Continental Dialogue
December 1996– Vol. XIX No. 2 – Latin American Liberation Theology and Black Theology Today
June 1997 – Vol. XX No. 1-Search for a New Just World Order: Challenges to Theology-Final Statement of the Fourth Assembly of EATWOT Tagaytay City, Philippines, Dec. 10-17, 1996
December 1997 – Vol. XX No. 2 –Theology in the Context of Globalization
June 1998 – Vol. XXI No. 1-Synod of Bishops Special Assembly for Asia, and Responses; Theology in the Context of Globalization
December 1998 – Vol. XXI No. 2 – Women Reflecting on Gender, Power and Theology
June 1999 – Vol. XXII No. 1-Globalization, Gender and Inter-faith, Inter-religious Dialogue
December 1999 – Vol. XXII No. 2 –Search for a new Just World Order: Challenges to Theology (Special Issue)
June 2000 – Vol. XXIII No. 1-The Struggle of the Marginalized: Challenges to Theology and Ecumenical Movement
December 2000 – Vol. XXIII No. 2 –New Texts-Silent Texts
June 2001 – Vol. XXIV No. 1-Gender Justice
December 2001 – Vol. XXIV No. 2 – A Tapestry of Hope
December 2002 – Vol. XXV No. 1 & No. 2(combined) Hope And Inter-Faith Praxis
June 2003 – Vol. XXVI No. 1-War and Globalization, Inter-Religious & Gender Issues
December 2003 – Vol. XXVI No. 2 – Search For New Directions-Ecumenical Theology & Ethics, Understanding Mission
June 2004 – Vol. XXVII No. 1-New Challenges to EATWOT Theology

New Book
Breaking Silence. Theology from Asian Women. ed. by Meehyun Chung, (Delhi, India:ISPCK) 2006
Drink From Our Own Sources. Creative Ripples, ed. by A. Murniati and M. Perera, (Maggona, Sri Lanka:St. Vincent's Press) 2005
Theology in the Context of Globalization. African Women's Response, ed. by P. N. Mwaura and L.D. Chirairo, (Nairobi,Kenya:City Square) 2005
Coordinator: Luiza E. Tomita, Brasil

In Portuguese:
· Teologia Latino-Americana Pluralista da Libertação. Coleção: Pelos muitos Caminhos de Deus. Vol. III. São Paulo: Paulinas: 2006.

· Pluralismo e Libertação – Por uma Teologia Latino-Americana Pluralista a partir da Fé Cristã. Coleção: Pelos Muitos Caminhos de Deus. Vol. II. São Paulo: ASETT/ Loyola, 2004.

· Pelos Muitos Caminhos de Deus – Desafios do Pluralismo Religioso à Teologia da Libertação. Coleção: Pelos Muitos Caminhos de Deus. Vol. I. Goiás: Ed. Rede & ASETT. 2003.

In Spanish

· Por los Muchos Caminos de Dios I: Desafíos del Pluralismo Religioso a la Teología de la Liberación. Colección Tiempo Axial. ASETT/Verbo Divino, Quito 2003.

· Por los Muchos Caminos de Dios II: Hacia una Teología Cristiana y Latinoamericana del Pluralismo Religioso. Colección Tiempo Axial. ASETT/Abya-Yala, Quito: 2004.

· Por los Muchos Caminos de Dios III: Teología Latinoamericana Pluralista de la Liberación. Colección Tiempo Axial. ASETT/Abya Yala, Quito: 2006.

· Por los Muchos Caminos de Dios IV: Teología Liberadora Intercontinental del Pluralismo Religioso. Colección Tiempo Axial. 2006.

In Italian:

I Volti del Dio Liberatore. Le Sfide del Pluralismo Religioso.Editrice Missionaria Italiana. Bologna. 2004.

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